• sanda-chinese-kickboxing-panther-martial-arts-center-camarillo-ventura-county

Sanda Chinese Kickboxing

Ventura County

Traditional Kung Fu and modern combat fighting techniques

Sanda is an exciting and fast-paced combat system that relies on calisthenics and various workout routines to get the practitioner into peak physical shape while using drills and devastatingly effective fighting combinations to give them the tools they need to fight and to win. It is an excellent system for fighting and self-defense as well as an incredible workout system for those searching for exercise with a purpose.

Sanda literally means free-striking or free fighting and is the national combat sport in China for martial arts fighting competitions. Though traditionally not considered a “style” unto itself, it is the culmination of all the systems of Chinese combat for use in competitive fighting.

Sanda employs the three major ranges of combat: kicking range, striking range, and the take-down range in its use of techniques. It combines full-contact kickboxing, which includes close range and rapid successive punches and kicks, with wrestling, takedowns, and throws.

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Developing the Body, Algevity and Spirit…

Beginning students will learn to use their hands and their feet for striking, kicking, defensive and offensive maneuvers, and closing the gap in a fight. They will be trained in all the basic strikes and kicks and learn to use them with the use of kick shields, focus mitts, and heavy bags. Beginning students will also have the opportunity to practice defensive and offensive drills with a partner with a minimal amount of contact.

Intermediate and advanced students will continue where the beginning students leave off by delving deeper into the striking and kicking combos and exploring the vast amount of takedown techniques contained in Sanda. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in live sparring on mats and use all the techniques at their disposal.