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Kung Fu

Bamboo Forest Temple Southern Praying Mantis Style



Sifu Eddie Urbistondo has been training with the Chinese Kung Fu Academy of Southern Praying Mantis since 1999. He is a branch school Instructor / Disciple under Grandmaster Henry Poo Yee.

Learn this complete system known as an effective infighting Chinese Kung Fu Martial Art. It takes its theory and motions from the praying mantis. This system helps to gain health and confidence, teaches you to handle yourself in self-defense situations. Students will learn exercises to build power and mobility and apply those motions with a partner, which we call “two-man training drills”. Through this class and other learning opportunities, students will also learn about Chinese Culture and History.

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“I met Grandmaster Henry Poo Yee back in 1998. I met him at a seminar given by my Hsiang, Alfonso Salinas. I have trained in Martial Arts since 1978 and have been looking for that one “true” Master since the beginning. I have trained with many Masters of many different Martial Arts systems, but it wasn’t until I met Grandmaster Henry Poo Yee that I found my “true” Master. Grandmaster Yee not only knows his system of Jook Lum Gee Tong Long Pai, but he continues to study it daily. He does not live in the past like many other Masters. Grandmaster Yee is the whole package. He is someone you want to emulate, whether it is in Martial Arts or in life. He practices what he preaches. He is not out there to fill his pockets but to mold you into a better person/Martial Artist. I am so thankful to have met this Grandmaster. Thank you, Grandmaster Yee.”
Master Eddie


It is a great honor to be able to pass on the authentic art and legacy of Grandmaster Henry Poo Yee to our Chinese Kung Fu students. Southern Praying Mantis uses an internal power different from the Wutang and other related styles. Besides that it has very effective footwork, its handwork style provides a unique way of generating power.

Our Camarillo, Orange County Kung Fu school, Panther Martial Arts Center, is the leading authority of Chinese Kung Fu in Ventura County and Southern California. Our students come in all ages, shapes, and sizes. They come in all fitness levels and from all walks of life. The common denominator is their dedication to seeking more from themselves.